Some editing in FinalCutPro. I also have a collage/drawing/painting that has just been sitting that I could probably get photos of eventually. It will be continued again soon. Other projects are sort of on a hold, of which there are quite a few. We'll see how I get back to them in the new year now. I plan on studying more this year after applying to school and taking it a bit easier on artwork maybe? I'll probably still work a lot but maybe I'll just be more disciplined in my studies. I'm also considering taking some time off from applying to grad which also might not happen, time will tell. I did purchase a new computer which is arriving and should be assembled by this weekend hopefully. So I'll be up and running fully equipped again to say the least. At the moment I'm pretty hungry for knowledge, doing more collaborations, and rediscovering the brush. This also includes watching more film throughout history and exploring FinalCutPro more. I'd also like to endeavor in a tablet, studying art styles of Gainax (weird I realize), and check out Flash/animation progs.