Saturday, March 29, 2008

Update on progress

So, here is an update on this project I am working on. Sorry about light and the general difficulty I am having of moving through my room to document this... but I'll eventually have these in a space where I can really step back with good light and capture it.

You can see where I have stopped

I don't even have room for the other 3 panels I have. When some of those on the larger wall (without the door) are done I'll have to shift everything down

Then some detail shots. Not sure if you will be able to make it out, but I've recently started incorporating different pattern paper and such. Some have birds, others have a variety of different flower patterns. Some I'm going to use on those blank ones have bunnies.

(Sorry about the date imprints)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life vs. Updates

So my project is now moving forward (see previous photo of the mass amount of blank surfaces), seen below. I have completed about 3 other paintings since my last update as well, but I don't currently have decent photos of them. One is large scale and about 6x8 ft on masonite, while the other two are on paper.

(this is just the beginning, there will be several additions as I progress)

I've started incorporating text in various ways off and on, also I have been incorporating pattern paper or different color paper that catches my attention.

Also I recently donated this to the annual auction at Montserrat: